We are an Orthodox Christian community in downtown Indianapolis proclaiming and living out the fullness of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ as it has been handed down since the time of the Apostles. We hope you can join us as we worship the Triune God in spirit and in truth!
We seek to glorify God through celebration of the Divine Services of the Church and by observing the Feasts and Fasts of the Christian year.
We frequently gather for meals and fellowship and we eagerly invite others to break bread with us regardless of creed, color, or station in life.
We seek to serve our neighbor by extending hospitality to those around us, both in acts of service and through the open invitation to participate in our common life.
We desire to share the abundant riches of the Christian life through art, song, and festival, especially in the rhythm of the Church year.
Orthodox Christianity is the original form of Christianity as taught by Jesus Christ to His disciples, who passed the Faith to their own disciples, on throughout history down to the present day. Orthodoxy is not merely a set of beliefs and practices, it is a way of life, in which the Christian is gradually fashioned by God’s grace into a new creature. Through the prayers and Mysteries of the Church, following the lifelong way of the Cross, the life of the believer is brought ever more deeply into the life of God Himself, into the glorious liberty of the sons of God.
Our parish community is named after Mary, the Mother of God, the first and greatest disciple of the Lord, whom the Church recognizes as “The Joy of All Who Sorrow.” We are under the authority of the Bulgarian Eastern Orthodox Diocese of the United States, Canada, and Australia, and are mostly converts from a variety of backgrounds, together with “cradle Orthodox.”
All services are in English and visitors are always welcome.
Contact us at: 317-300-4235 or fatherjohnmiller@gmail.com